Version: Distance//Dream Drop

Overdrive Game Log
7/11/16 Update:childhood06,childhood15,tailflame05,tailflame10 Jirachi's wish: dramaclub18,pilgrimage20,pilgrimage30,dramaclub15,whistle09,whistle13 Bayonetta's Blackjack: bearsona06, spectrophobia10 Cortana's Covers: wasteland02, lifestream26, air Leon's Lottery: growing30, plant Mario's Memory: projectg29, scissorman12, plant Navi's Quote: showbiz13, bau07, flask Phoenix's Publishers: ranch13, animus13, ice Solid Snake's Screenshots: megaflare09, esper02, water Twisted Fate's Pick A Card: bau28, moods24 6/28/16 Amnesia Boyfriend (Spade): savior11, earth Chun-Li's Brawl: psychelock16, larva19, fire Duke's Card Destruction: biomes26, walkers20, flask Ike's Intel: spindash24, fludd27, metal Lee Sin's Vision: seed06, spacecraft17, earth Shinra's Bestiary: overseer30, fabric17, fire Venom's Voice Actors: wonderland28, warofheroes02, metal Chell's Card Puzzle: dinosaur18, corrupted21, air 7/10/16 Update freebies: plushes05, plushes30, wayfinder08 Jirachi's wish: 1 full set of reagents and 1 flask, S-T-A-R-D-E-W: whistle07, etro03, paradox17, pilgrimage13, paradox04, pilgrimage03, whistle12 Eyes on Me: centralcore09, moonshard11, dark Crash's Consoles: exhitman11, dovahkiin29, earth Character Select: mutation14, camgirl27, dark Pit's Puzzle: laughingdog03, corrupted04, dark Rosalina's Release Dates: fludd05, moodlets01, ice Sora's Keyblades: ultimatehope11, booyaka08, ice Tik Tak Toe: reapersgame21, 7years17, love Find Sonic: maxwellcurse03, picrites14, ice Professor Layton's Puzzle Series (Round 1): rakyat22, missing01, ice Professor Layton's Puzzle Series (Round 2): larva26, lighthouses05, love Professor Layton's Puzzle Series (Round 3): projectg15, tartarus17, love Professor Layton's Puzzle Series (End): relic27, children10, rosecross21, masteremerald13, metal, flask 6/27/16 Referral: outland09, plant Update: lunabonus30,lunabonus25, whistle08, whistle04, maskofchaos27, maskofchaos25 Whises:paradox06,terra26, pilgrimage16, etro06,dramaclub28, projectg16 6/23/16 Pit's Puzzle: peacekeepers10, blackbox07, evil Sora's Keyblades: volcano06, tears03, evil Tik Tak Toe: strikermedals16, irisphone30, plant Rosalina's Release Dates: protoon07, wasteland08, fire Character Select: truerunes18, tattoo29, earth Bayonetta's Blackjack: problemsolver10, maiko14 Leon's Lottery: petal09, plant Mario's Memory: goldenapple20, niflheim06, water Twisted Fate's Pick A Card: dark, fire Navi's Quote: terra29, pinkhair28, air Amnesia Boyfriend (Joker): exhitman28, earth Chell's Card Puzzle: dramaclub21, islands27, dark Chun-Li's Brawl: rosecrystal29, ministars30, fire Professor Layton's Puzzle Series (Round 1): ipraseru17, 3days20, evil Professor Layton's Puzzle Series (Round 2): strikermedals17, futurelondon07, plant Professor Layton's Puzzle Series (Round 3): motivation03, bau22, plant Professor Layton's Puzzle Series (End): waterdragon21, gallery04, irisphone17, futurelondon15, metal, water Eyes on Me: ruin04, wish05, water Lucca's Telepod: kupo12, kidnap04, fire Cortana's Covers: coronation26, geosis30, metal Solid Snake's Screenshots: limiteddrags14, witch08, plant Crash's Consoles: overdive29, subspace08, ice Phoenix's Publishers: reapersgame23, retro15, metal Ike's Intel: giants21, bloom21, water Venom's Voice Actors: v03, timestones21, ice Handsome Jack's Deck Vote: ice

6/22/16 - Starter Pack: pilgrimage18, pilgrimage07, mysidian18, evert25, azeroth19, passport08, giygas10


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